Tires for Your Jobsite
On a jobsite, every delay costs money, and the ones that could’ve been avoided seem to cost the most. Keep your tires from becoming a problem by relying on those that are manufactured for a site like yours.
The Firestone Versabuilt Tire line is just what it sounds like — a tire designed with the versatility required to perform at the highest standards in any conditions. It’s best for loader and grader applications and can keep your jobs moving forward no matter what.
Tread for Your Work
Your tire’s tread plays a vital role in keeping you connected to the ground, and different tread patterns work best in different conditions. With that in mine, the Firestone Versabuilt Tire comes equipped with three different tread patterns, optimized for different applications. They are all non-directional and self-cleaning to minimize wear and add life to your tires, to keep your equipment operating even on the worst ground.
A Match for Rough Conditions
SideArmor sidewalls and steel casing make flat tires a less likely outcome by protecting the tires from punctures due to debris in your path. The tread is optimized to provide the highest level of traction in dirt and mud and even rocky conditions. No matter what kind of ground you meet, you can count on the durability and reliability of a Firestone Versabuilt Tire.
Options Available
This line includes two different options to allow you to find the best tire for your needs. The Versabuilt All Purpose (E3/L3) is engineered to offer a long wear life while maintaining traction. It’s a solid all-around tire for general earthmover conditions. The Versabuilt Deep Tread (E4/L4) is enhanced for use in the worst conditions to provide the kind of handling reliability you need.
The Firestone Versabuilt Tire is the optimum in handling, durability, and reliability for earthmovers, loaders, and more. It offers superior protection while still giving you the kind of traction and stability you require for your equipment.