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Search Tips

Tire sizing can be complex and confusing. We are in the process of developing a "search by size" function on our site to try to make it easier to find what you need but here are some tips on how to search our site.

In our search box, enter in the numbers of your tire size in the order the numbers appear on your tire, but without any dashes, dots or letters.

Here are some examples:

Passenger tire size 255/55R18.  Enter in the search box as 2555518

Lawn & Garden tire size 4.80-8: Enter in the search box as 4808

Truck Tire size 11R22.5: Enter in the search box 11225

Farm Tire size 12.4x24 or 12.4R24: Enter in the search box: 12424

After you have entered in your size, you may then narrow down your search options by using the fields on the left-hand side of the page by brand, ply rating, tire category and most importantly by tires that we have "in-stock".

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