Find the Right Golf Cart Tire
Golf cart tires come in many different sizes and styles to fit a variety of golf carts. However as the way we use golf carts has evolved, so has the tire needs also evolved. More and more golf carts have moved from the fairway to the farm. Farmers, ranchers and large estates are now using golf carts to move people around their property. Also many businesses are using golf carts in their warehouses, factories and manufacturing facilities to efficiently move people. Many gated communities not only allow the use of golf carts, they encourage it by making community resources like the pool, gym, or store available via a cart path.
No matter whether you use your golf cart for the the golf course, the farm, or for work; you have to choose the right tire for your application. This raises the question, how do I find the right tire for my golf cart? In order to find the right tire, you must first ask yourself these simple questions:
1. What size tire does my golf cart take?The best place to find what size tire your golf cart takes is by looking at the current tire on your cart. Molded into the sidewall of the tire will be a size and a ply rating. This will help you to find the right tire to fit your golf cart wheel. Not sure how to read the tire size on your golf cart, read our article on How to Read your Golf Cart Tire Size | |
2. What kind of surface will my golf cart be used on?Different tires are designed to be used on different surfaces, a tire designed for use on the golf course may not provide the right traction for a cart used on paved surfaces or on dirt or gravel. Find a tread pattern that is best suited for the terrain your golf cart will tackle. | |
3. At what speeds will my golf cart be used?Most golf cart tires are rated as NHS or non-highway service. This means the tires are not rated for use on public roads and are only rated for low speeds. If you will use your cart on public roads look for a DOT rated tire. | |
4. How much weight does my golf cart carry?Many people use golf carts for more then just carrying people, some carts are outfitted with flat beds for carrying packages, plants or dirt. If your cart will need to carry several people or is outfitted with a work bed for carrying a load, make sure to match the load carrying capacity of the tire to the load capacity of the golf cart. |
Once you have answered these simple questions, you are ready to find your next golf cart tire. By choosing the right golf cart tire the first time you will ensure a reliable and safe ride.